How Long Does Periodontal Treatment Take?
Periodontal disease is an infection affecting the gum and surrounding tissues. It is caused by poor oral hygiene, which leads to plaque formation on teeth. The plaque contains harmful bacteria that get into the gums, causing infection.
Symptoms of periodontal disease include bleeding from the gums, swelling, or tenderness. You may also notice persistent bad breath, receding gums, and spaces between teeth. Gum disease progresses from one level to the next more severe level. Not treated and reversed in the initial stages leads to tooth loss.
In addition, it increases the risk of stroke and heart attack and difficulties controlling blood sugar in diabetics. Therefore, seeking periodontal treatment in St. Catherine’s, ON, is crucial once you see the symptoms.
Comprehensive Periodontal Treatment in St. Catharines, ON, at Girardi Dental
Our team provides safe, effective care to restore and protect your gum health from early intervention to ongoing maintenance. Consult with our experts for a healthier smile.
What Does Periodontal Treatment Involve?
Treating gum disease involves three phases. The first phase is known as the etiological phase and addresses the cause of the disease. A dentist focuses on controlling the infection and restoring healthy oral bacteria during this phase. You will receive education on home care. The dental expert will perform a procedure known as scaling and root planing.
The procedure is performed after administration of local anesthesia to prevent discomfort. It thoroughly cleans the tooth-root surfaces to remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar. The dentist also smoothes the tooth root surfaces. This promotes the reattachment of the gum tissues to your teeth. In addition, you may require antibiotics to eliminate all bacteria and assist in healing.
About a month after the etiological stage, you will attend a dental follow-up session. The dentist in St. Catherine’s, ON, will assess your gums to determine successful treatment. If not, the dentist will proceed to the second phase of treatment, the surgical phase. This phase is recommended for patients with gum pockets too deep to clean.
The surgical phase involves the reduction of the pockets or deep spaces between your gums and teeth. Your dentist may also carry out bone and soft tissue grafting. These procedures promote the regrowth of the natural dental bone and tissues. In addition, tissue-stimulating proteins may stimulate the healthy growth of bone and tissues. All this is done under general anesthesia.
Gum disease can recur even after root planing, scaling, and surgery. Therefore, the third phase of treatment is the maintenance phase. It focuses on preventing the recurrence of gum disease. Your dentist will instruct you on proper hygiene practices, diet, and follow-up visits. After each visit, the dentist will customize a treatment plan based on your current needs.
Periodontal maintenance at Girardi Dental involves preventing recurrence. The experts will review your medical history to check for issues that may affect the stability of the gum condition. These issues are cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immunosuppressive disorders, and pregnancy.
We will also carry out an oral exam for cancer, measure gum pocket depth, and thoroughly clean your mouth. In addition, patients who have suffered tooth loss can have their teeth replaced safely in the maintenance stage.
How Painful Is the Periodontal Treatment?
You should not be fearful since periodontal treatment at any phase is not painful. The dentist ensures that you are comfortable during the procedure. They will administer a suitable anesthetic to prevent discomfort. Patients with dental anxiety can also get sedatives to relax them during the process.
After the procedures, your gums may be tender and sore, but the discomfort eases fast. However, periodontal laser therapy will not cause much discomfort or a lengthy recovery period. This is because it is less invasive compared to the traditional treatment methods. In addition, the dentist will prescribe medication to relieve pain, swelling, and discomfort.
How Long Does Periodontal Treatment Take?
The stage of gum disease determines the length of treatment. Your compliance with the dentist’s recommendations can shorten or lengthen treatment. The procedure takes about an hour or two at each dental clinic near you, depending on individual needs. Once you undergo the first phase of treatment, a follow-up visit is scheduled after a month.
If your gum disease is in the first stage, you can see the treatment results within two or three weeks. The more severe stages of periodontal disease may take longer before you see any results. However, once you are in the maintenance phase, treatment is continuous. You must schedule an appointment with the dentist every three months during maintenance.